GRE Vocabulary 4241 words' meaning in Chinese

obviate - v. 除去,排除,回避;
occlude - v. 封闭,关闭,逐出; v. 咬合,臼合; :: obstruct
occult - a. 神秘的,不可思议的,超自然的; v. 掩蔽,隐藏; :: abstruse mysterious
obsolete - a. 荒废的,成废物的,陈旧的; n. 废语,陈腐的人,废物; :: archaic outdated out of date ancient outworn;out of use unused dead disused superseded
obstacle - n. 障碍,妨害物,阻碍;
obstinate - a. 倔强的,顽固的;
obstreperous - a. 吵闹的,喧嚣的,乱闹的; :: unruly
obstruct - v. 阻隔,妨碍,阻塞; :: impede
obtrusive - a. 强迫人的,冒失的,莽撞的;
obtuse - a. 钝的,不尖的,圆头的; :: insensitive
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