GRE 1 vocabulary list- 257 words | Quiz and Flashcards - Section 10

GRE vocab
recondite - 난해한; inscrutable, cryptic, esoteric :: deep
tantamount to - 같은; equivalent, identical
thwart - 방해하다; encumber, forestall, obstruct, preclude, stymie, discomfit, frustrate
transcend - 능가하다; exceed, surpass, outdo :: overcome
vindicate - 지지하다; bolster, buttress, champion, espouse, uphold
alleviate - 완화시키다; allay, assuage, mollify, palliate :: relieve lessen
dearth - 결핍; insufficiency, paucity, scarcity, want :: lack
didactic - 교훈적인; moralistic
diffuse - 퍼뜨리다; disperse, disseminate, spread
disinterested - 공평한; detached, dispassionate, equitable, even-handed, impartial, unbiased :: unbiased
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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