WordSmart 1

단어 54개 - 제 5 과

adamant - hard, inflexible, stubborn, unyielding, inexorable, obdurate, rigid, uncompromising, 단단한, 견고한, :: unyielding
address - to speak to, to direct one's attention to, [...에게] 말을 걸다, 연설하다, [항의 등을]제기/제출하다 :: reference destination speak direct handle deal
adduce - bring forward as an example or as proof, cite, ...을 인용하다, (증거, 이유)로 제시(인용)하다
adherent - follower, supporter, believer, 지지자, 당원, 신자 / clinging, coherent, sticky, 부착력 있는, 들러붙는
adjourn - suspend until another time, ...을 연기하다, 미루다, 휴회하다
adjunct - accessory, appendage, appurtenance, assistant, 부가물, 부속물, 보조물
ad-lib - improvise, speak or act spontaneously, 즉흥적으로 ...하다
admonish - scold gently, warn, reprove, forewarn, chide, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, 훈계하다, 경
adroit - skillful, dexterous, adept, proficient, ambidextrous, clever, shrewd, 교묘한, 솜씨있는, 기민한, 영리한
adulation - flattery, wild or excessive admiration, blandishment, 추종, 아첨
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