단어 540개 - 제 3 과 [Day 2 out of 30 days]

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subdue - v. 진압하다, 억제하다, 정복하다 :: control reduce conquer defeat overpower vanquish
pare - v. 껍질을 벗기다/ 줄이다, 삭감하다 :: peel cheap off flake off skin slice off; reduce cut (down) lower
reassure - v. 안심시키다, 확신을 갖게 하다 :: build confidence of encourage assure comfort console soothe
discharge - v. 놓아주다, 배출하다 / 수행하다, 이행하다 :: release carry out
infirm - a. 약한, (체력이나 기관이) 쇠약한 :: frail weak feeble fragile
patron - n. 단골 손님, 고객 :: customer client guest
crest - n. 정상, 절정, (새 등의)볏, (투구의)깃장식 :: peak acme apex pinnacle top summit
fluid - a. 유동적인, 변하기 쉬운 :: changeable alterable malleable modifiable
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