What is the meaning of the word 'dissimulate' in Arabic?

dissimulate - أخف

Some sentence examples which use the word 'dissimulate'

  • Mazarin was not a Frenchman, but a citizen of the world, and always paid most attention to foreign affairs; in his letters all that could teach a diplomatist is to be found, broad general views of policy, minute details carefully elaborated, keen insight into men's characters, cunning directions when to dissimulate or when to be frank.
  • Mazarin was not a Frenchman, but a citizen of the world, and always paid most attention to foreign affairs; in his letters all that could teach a diplomatist is to be found, broad general views of policy, minute details carefully elaborated, keen insight into men's characters, cunning directions when to dissimulate or when to be frank.
  • Again the hateful twitch of the lips, which he quickly dissimulated in a smile.
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