What is the meaning of the word 'debauchery' in Arabic?

debauchery - الفسق

Some sentence examples which use the word 'debauchery'

  • All the vices - perfidy, avarice, debauchery, ambition, flattery - fought within him for the mastery.
  • Treachery and debauchery filled the first years of the annals of the beautiful island.
  • What followed in the second and third years of the Celman administration can only adequately be described as a debauchery of the national honour, of the national resources, of the rights of Argentines as citizens of the republic. Buenos Aires was still prostrate under the crushing blow of the misfortunes of 1880, and lacked strength and power of organization necessary to raise any effective protest against the proceedings of Celman and his friends when the true character of these proceedings was first understood.
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