What is the meaning of the word 'nugatory' in Chinese?

nugatory - a. 无价值的,无用的,无效的;

Some sentence examples which use the word 'nugatory'

  • He passed nugatory statements.
  • The debt of the state was increased about $9,375,000 from 1868 to 187 4, largely for railroad and levee schemes; much of the money was misappropriated, and in a case involving the payment of railway aid bonds the action of the legislature in pledging the credit of the state was held nugatory by the state supreme court in 1875 on the ground that, contrary to the constitution, the bond issue had never been referred to popular vote.
  • Its actual effect in the period succeeding its issue was, however, practically nugatory; if indeed it did not actually give a new handle to the subversive claims of the powerful barons.
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