What is the meaning of the word 'pedagogue' in Chinese?

pedagogue - n. 教师,教育者,爱假装博学者;

Some sentence examples which use the word 'pedagogue'

  • I used to concern my problems with my pedagogue.
  • Dorset's beneficent intentions for his sons' pedagogue probably suggested Wolsey's ordination as priest at Marlborough on March ro, 1498, and on October io, r50o, he was instituted, on Dorset's presentation, to the rectory of Limington in Somerset.
  • The choice of his governor, the patriotic historiographer Hans Svaning, was so far fortunate that it ensured the devotion of the future king of Denmark to everything Danish; but Svaning was a poor pedagogue, and the wild and wayward lad suffered all his life from the defects of his early training.
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