inaugurate 뜻 - 영어 사전 및 사용 예

inaugurate - v. 취임식을 하여 취임시키다,

inaugurate 동의어 / 유의어 / 유사어

'inaugurate'를 사용한 문장 예제

  • He will be inaugurated as president in January.
  • The government therefore found itself obliged to inaugurate a system of direct subventions, not only to the old large companies, but also to new small ones, to encourage the development of branch and local lines, and local authorities were also empowered to contribute a portion of the required capital.
  • The Society of St Vincent de Paul was founded by Frederic Ozanam and others in 1833, in reply to a charge brought by some free-thinking contemporaries that the church no longer had the strength to inaugurate a practical enterprise.
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