protuberant 뜻 - 영어 사전 및 사용 예

protuberant - a. 돌출한; 현저한, 두드러진

protuberant 동의어 / 유의어 / 유사어

'protuberant'를 사용한 문장 예제

  • Wide areas, giving rise to oceanic depressions and leaving the continents protuberant; the other, folding along comparatively narrow belts, giving rise to mountain ranges.
  • The general contour of the face, in part dependent on the form of the skull, varies much in different races, among whom it is loosely defined as oval, lozenge-shaped, pentagonal, &c. Of particular features, some of the most marked contrasts to European types are seen in the oblique Chinese eyes, the broad-set Kamchadale cheeks, the pointed Arab chin, the snub Kirghiz nose, the fleshy protuberant Negro lips, and the broad Kalmuck ear.
  • He pulled rein at the sight of her, saluted, and regarded her with his rather too protuberant eyes.
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