What is the meaning of the word 'cession' in German?

cession - (국가 간의) 영토 양도

Some sentence examples which use the word 'cession'

  • She had been made a daughter of the republic at the time of her marriage to the king of Cyprus; and on the death of her child the republic first acted as guardian for its daughter, and then, in 1489, obtained from her the cession of the island.
  • Cavour well knew the unpopularity that would fall upon him by consenting to the cession of Nice, the birthplace of Garibaldi, and Savoy, the cradle of the royal house; but he realized the necessity of the sacrifice, if central Italy was to be won.
  • This weak cession all true Frenchmen regret and England must hand the territories back.
View more sentence examples that use the word cession