inviolate 뜻 - 영어 사전 및 사용 예

inviolate - a.신성한

inviolate 동의어 / 유의어 / 유사어

'inviolate'를 사용한 문장 예제

  • We should not think that our borders are inviolate.
  • James Thomson (" B.V.") speaks " of the restful rapture of the inviolate grave," and sings the praises of death and of oblivion.
  • Bulygin, Mirski's successor, had no knowledge of this until after its publication; he hastened to the tsar and obtained the issue on the same day of a rescript which, while reserving the " fundamental laws of the empire " inviolate, stated the emperor's intention of summoning the representatives of the people to aid in " the preparation and examination of legislative proposals."
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