ostentatious 뜻 - 영어 사전 및 사용 예

ostentatious - a. 저속하게 야한, 허세 부리는 = pretentious

ostentatious 반대어 / 반의어

  • unostentatious
  • unpretending
  • unpretentious

'ostentatious'를 사용한 문장 예제

  • She dresses in a very ostentatious manner.
  • From the moment that he became primate of Ireland, Stone proved himself more a politician than an ecclesiastic. "He was said to have been selfish, worldly-minded, ambitious and ostentatious; and he was accused, though very probably falsely, of gross private vice."
  • His ostentatious hatred of the revolutionary parties marked him out as the natural object for these accusations.
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