fraternal 뜻 - 영어 사전 및 사용 예

fraternal - 형제의, 형제다운

fraternal 반대어 / 반의어

  • identical
  • monovular
  • sisterlike
  • sisterly
  • sororal

'fraternal'를 사용한 문장 예제

  • The Czartoryscy, of all men, were bound by their principles and professions to set their fellow citizens an example of fraternal concord.
  • In support of their views they appealed to scripture and to the Western Fathers, who had used the term "adoption" as synonymous with "assumption" in the orthodox sense; and especially to Christ's fraternal relation to Christians - the brother of God's adopted sons.
  • Its communities were bound together by a sense of close fraternal relation.
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