What is the meaning of the word 'catastrophic'

catastrophic - extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin

Some sentence examples which use the word 'catastrophic'

  • The attacks on September 11, 2001, are the most obvious example of this, with catastrophic harm inflicted by nineteen men with box cutters and plane tickets.
  • Flut, Dutch vloed, from the same root as is seen in "flow," "float"), an overflow of water, an expanse of water submerging land,a deluge, hence "the flood," specifically, the Noachian deluge of Genesis, but also any other catastrophic submersion recorded in the mythology of other nations than the Hebrew (see DELUGE, THE).
  • The British party was strong because of the loyalty of the large Church of England element, the neutrality of many Quakers, Dunkers, and Mennonites, and a general satisfaction with the liberal and free government of the province, which had been won gradually and had not suffered such catastrophic reverses as had embittered the people of Massachusetts, for instance.
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