Sentence example with the word 'abdominally'


Last update: October 12, 2015


She wore old-fashioned corsets and was abdominally correct for her years; a long gown of black voile with white polka dots, and a guimpe of white net whose raff of chiffon somewhat disguised the wreck of her throat.   [Please select]


_Mouth_, with the orifice rather inclined abdominally.   [Please select]


Beverly Plank had grown stouter since he had returned to town from Black Fells; but the increase of weight was evenly distributed over his six feet odd, which made him only a trifle more ponderous and not abdominally fat.   [Please select]


The _Mouth_ is directed abdominally; labrum much produced downwards, so as to be far separated from the adductor muscle; moderately bullate, forming about one third of the longitudinal axis of the entire mouth; upper part forming a slightly overhanging prominence; crest with a row of blunt, bead-like teeth, and externally to them there are numerous curved short bristles.   [Please select]

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abdominal - abdominally - abduce