Sentence example with the word 'codding'


Last update: June 20, 2015


The following passage indicates the contemporary theory of manuring: - " In thy tillage are these special opportunities to improve it, either by liming, marling, sanding, earthing, mudding, snayl-codding, mucking, chalking, pidgeons-dung, hens-dung, hogs-dung or by any other means as some by rags, some by coarse wool, by pitch marks, and tarry stuff, any oyly stuff, salt and many things more, yea indeed any thing almost that bath any liquidness, foulness, saltness or good moysture in it, is very naturall inrichment to almost any sort of land."   [Please select]


Arrah, give over your bloody codding, Joe, says I.   [Please select]


Are you codding.   [Please select]


"I'll drink to her; but I'm hanged if I don't believe you're codding me," said Merrihew disappointedly.'   [Please select]

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cocottes - codding - coddle