Sentence example with the word 'conciliar'


Last update: September 25, 2015


Europe had sinned in the face of God; otherwise Jerusalem would never have fallen; and the idea of a spiritual reform from within, as the necessary corollary and accompaniment of the expedition of Christianity without, breathes in some of the papal letters, just as, during the conciliar movement, the causa reformationis was blended with the causa unionis.   [Please select]


It will be seen, then, that the crime was one that might fall either under ecclesiastical or conciliar jurisdiction and the particular circumstances usually determined finally the jurisdiction.   [Please select]


In the reign of Henry VI conciliar and ecclesiastical authorities both took part at different times and in different ways.   [Please select]


It was only a few years after this instance of conciliar jurisdiction that a much more important case was turned over to the clergy.   [Please select]


"[12] The charge of sorcery brought by the protector Richard of Gloucester against Jane Shore, who had been the mistress of Edward IV, never came to trial and in consequence illustrates neither ecclesiastical nor conciliar jurisdiction."   [Please select]


(5) I do not think at the present day even quite orthodox people are much concerned about the technicalities of the conciliar Theology, or even about the niceties of the Athanasian Creed.   [Please select]

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concierges - conciliar - conciliate