Sentence example with the word 'epithelium'


Definition n. membranous tissue covering internal organs and other internal surfaces of the body

Last update: February 2, 2016


A further stage in evolution is that the muscle-cells lose their connexion with the epithelium and come to lie entirely beneath it, forming a sub-epithelial contractile layer, developed chiefly in the tentacles of the polyp. The of the evolution of the ganglioncells is probably similar; an epithelial cell develops processes of nervous nature from the base, which come into connexion with the bases of the sensory cells, with the muscular cells, and with the similar processes of other nerve-cells; next the nerve-cell loses its connexion with the outer epithelium and becomes a sub-epithelial ganglion-cell which is closely connected with the muscular layer, conveying stimuli from the sensory cells to the contractile elements.   [verb]


Epithelium: the layer of cells which covers a surface or lines a cavity.   [Please select]


This layer probably includes, or consists of, germinal epithelium.   [Please select]


The lining or covering tissues, both internal and external, are known as epithelium.   [Please select]


These lobules vary, and are, as is the duct, lined with epithelium.   [Please select]


5; the sub-epidermic network extending over the entire body just under the surface epithelium, Figs.   [Please select]

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epithelioma - epithelium - epithet