Sentence example with the word 'exhumations'


Last update: October 26, 2015


Orfila's chief publications are Traite des poisons, or Toxicologie ge'nerale (1813); Elements de chimie medicale (1817); Lecons de medecine legale (1823); Traite des exhumations juridiques (1830); and Recherches sur l'empoisonnement par l'acide arsenieux (1841).   [Please select]


Francesco Maria Torrigio, who witnessed the exhumations with cardinal Evangelista Pallotta, adds that the linen bands were from two to three inches wide, and that they must have been soaked in aromatics.   [Please select]


But it is always the case that these exhumations, from first to last, have revealed the furry game furless and the feathered game featherless, except for the tail-feathers and the pinion-feathers of the wings.   [Please select]


He had two rooms near the British Museum, which was the scene of his exhumations, and there he went every morning, and he came back long after his wife was asleep.   [Please select]


But it is always the case that these exhumations, from first to last, have revealed the furry game furless and the feathered game featherless, except for the pinion- and tail-feathers.   [Please select]

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exhumation - exhumations - exhume