Sentence example with the word 'homespuns'


Last update: June 24, 2015


Most men in the country wear knickerbockers with golf stockings, with a sack or a belted or a semi-belted coat, and in any variety of homespuns or tweeds or rough worsted materials.   [Please select]


A clumsy loom, on which the women wove their coarse homespuns of wool or flax, occupied one corner of the main room; and a deep, box-like cradle, always rocking, stood beside the ample fireplace.   [Please select]


The country-women had to content themselves with the same coarse homespuns, which they wore in short, full skirts.   [Please select]


As they left the limpets, a gaunt figure in gray homespuns, carrying a rifle, appeared on the crest of the cliffs above, caught sight of them, and hurriedly took cover behind an overhanging pine.   [Please select]

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homespun - homespuns - homestead