Sentence example with the word 'indecency'


andromania, campiness, erotism, horniness, indecorum, lasciviousness, passion, pruriency, sulliedness, unchastity, unvirtuousness

Definition n. the quality of being indecent

Last update: June 16, 2015


He was arrested by the police for Indecency.   [Please select]


He had no artistic appreciation of the subject he discussed, and he mistook cause for effect in asserting that the decline in public morality was due to the flagrant indecency of the stage.   [Please select]


The knowledge they pretend to, concerning such matters, however, consists of mingled indecency and mystery; and, when exposed, only commands contempt.   [Please select]


There is a sort of historical indecency in a Greek monarchy.   [Please select]


Is there only indecency in prospect, if a man comes to care for a married woman.   [Please select]


In the same way bombs dropping in central London seemed a grotesque indecency.   [Please select]


Moreover, the real indecency of the Halstedian process, particularly in the case of women, has greatly shocked even the medical observers.   [Please select]


There was a sordid indecency about the discussion which stung him like the stroke of a whip.   [Please select]


We cannot turn over the pages of one of the popular dramatists of the age without being shocked by the most culpable indecency.   [Please select]


But once more nobody moved to obey him, and Yussuf had the indecency to smirk, for which Grim cursed him with whiplash sarcasm.   [Please select]

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