Sentence example with the word 'musings'


Last update: August 26, 2015


Somewhere in her musings, she fell asleep.   [Please select]


His mind had begun to throw open again, to abstract thoughts and musings, its long-closed doors.   [Please select]


He used the word "seemed" in his inmost musings, for it was never quite certain what really did please and displease her.   [Please select]


Ellen, especially, continued to grieve and brood, her long, moody musings broken only by fits of stormy, passionate weeping.   [Please select]


Have not my musings melted into its rocky walls and sandy floor, and made them a portion of myself.   [Please select]


It--" He turned back from his musings, aware for the first time that a right sprightly dialogue was going on."   [Please select]


His musings merged into vacuity, into a dull gray mist of hopelessness comparable only to the dismal skies then lowering over London-town.   [Please select]


These disjointed musings and disconnected thoughts formed the raw material of all he ever said and wrote.   [Please select]


She had been wrong when she had said in her musings that they were as far apart as if worlds rolled between them.   [Please select]


She was roused from her musings by the approach of her cousin Jack Stepney who, at Gwen Van Osburgh's side, was returning across the garden from the tennis court.   [Please select]

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musingly - musings - muskeg