Sentence example with the word 'muskegs'


Last update: August 21, 2015


Glaciation has strongly scoured away the deeply-weathered soils that presumably existed here in preglacial time, revealing firm and rugged ledges in the low hills and swells of the ground, and spreading an irregular drift cover over the lower parts, whereby the drainage is often much disordered; here being detained in lakes and swamps (muskegs) and there rushing down rocky rapids.   [Please select]


There are, however, innumerable open places, which bear the local name of muskegs.   [Please select]


There is more or less timber on these ridges, and in the so-called muskegs between them.   [Please select]


Their trails traverse all the upland spruce and tamarack tracts, the wooded muskegs, and the willow thickets along the rivers.   [Please select]


The moose seem to be fond of remaining close to the edges of these muskegs, which are usually fringed with a heavy growth of willows.   [Please select]

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muskeg - muskegs - muskellunge