Sentence example with the word 'perspicacity'


acuity, color vision, eye, field of vision, judgment, penetration, perspicuity, range, sense of sight, twilight vision

Definition n. intelligence manifested by being astute

Last update: December 17, 2016


The detective’s perspicacity allowed him to easily recognize the criminal in the crowd.   [Please select]


Students rarely act up in Mrs. Henderson’s class because of her strong perspicacity to recognize the guilty party.   [Please select]


He had not enough courage and perspicacity to await in patience the result of the race between France and Germany for the duchy of Milan - a contest which was decided at Pavia (Feb.   [Please select]


You fail in one thing--the perspicacity of simplicity.   [Please select]


And he had the perspicacity to address himself to the Boy rather than to Jabe, thereby conciliating the Boy appreciably.   [Please select]


” “As I have said before, you’re rather lacking at times in perspicacity.   [Please select]


He took them apart and put them together again with a careless, confident, infallible perspicacity that amazed his colleagues and his opponents.   [Please select]


He gazed upon her in frank admiration for her audacity and perspicacity.   [Please select]

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perspicacious - perspicacity - perspicuity