Sentence example with the word 'tardiness'


anachronism, anticipation, earliness, high time, last minute, lateness, misdate, mistiming, postdating, prolepsis, unpreparedness, unreadiness

Definition n. the quality or habit of not adhering to a correct or usual or expected time

Last update: August 14, 2015


"Which explains, sire, the tardiness of my submission."   [Please select]


Although Herbert had laughed at their tardiness, he was the most exhausted and the first one to wish to rest.   [Please select]


Her heart smote her for the tardiness of her reparation; but stronger than this was her fear of striking and missing fire.   [Please select]


The horses usually obeyed with tardiness and hesitation, and very often manifested nervousness and uncertainty.   [Please select]


Page, who had taken advantage of Harriet's tardiness to read the obituary column in the morning paper, dropped it.   [Please select]


It was flowing water, yet the proof was there of tardiness.   [Please select]


Damn Lee for his tardiness and folly, which forces man and beast to journey in such cold.   [Please select]


Anderson expressed surprise at Lenore's tardiness, and said she had been called twice.   [Please select]


Little by little, with dispiriting tardiness, day escapes from the sky into the slender framework of the black clouds.   [Please select]


The little puckery lines came into her smooth forehead when he apologized for his tardiness by explaining that he had not gone to bed until one o'clock.'   [Please select]


Julie greeted him, and he excused himself on the ground of a dinner which had begun just an hour late, owing to the tardiness of a cabinet minister.   [Please select]

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tardily - tardiness - tardy