Sentence example with the word 'undesirable'


bad, derelict, exceptionable, impolitic, inexpedient, offensive, social outcast, unasked, unfitting, unprofitable, unwelcome

Definition adj. not wanted

Last update: October 5, 2015


Political interference in defence matters is highly undesirable.   [Please select]


If the worship of Siva, despite the purport of his chief symbol, seems on the whole less liable to produce these undesirable effects than that of the rival deity, it is doubt- less due partly to the real nature of that emblem being little realized by the common people, and partly to the somewhat repellent character of the "great god," more favourable to evoking feelings of awe and terror than a spirit of fervid devotion.   [Please select]


What considerations rendered departure not entirely undesirable.   [Please select]


What play of forces, inducing inertia, rendered departure undesirable.   [Please select]


He always kept his eye on her, and saw that she was not being accosted unpleasantly by any undesirable acquaintance.   [Please select]


While the mature intelligence might have considered these miniature lakes as highly undesirable, the young Montgomerys were not unmindful of their blessings.   [Please select]


You may be sure they did not reserve the worst for their use, nor did they place about themselves undesirable neighbors.   [Please select]


About this time an undesirable lot of immigrants began to arrive, especially from the penal colonies of New South Wales.   [Please select]


Liberty is good, but I thought it might be undesirable to be a slave to my own freedom.   [Please select]


Not that his success was having any undesirable effect upon him; his Dutch common sense saved him from any such calamity.   [Please select]


But general anaesthesia--meaning the suspension of sensibility in the whole organism, including unconsciousness--is not always necessary, and sometimes it is undesirable.   [Please select]

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undesirability - undesirable - undesirables