Sentence example with the word 'unfix'


Last update: November 2, 2015


After morning stand-to bayonets are unfixed, for if the sunlight should glint upon the polished steel our position might be disclosed to some sniper.   [Please select]


The descent of Chaucer is as uncertain, and unfixed by the critics, as the place of his birth.   [Please select]


Finding that nothing short of cruelty would unfix his little friend, Moses stuffed him inside the breast of his cotton shirt.   [Please select]


075) a loose, unfixed form, and cause it to rub badly and come off in milling.   [Please select]


"And I ain't a master-mind," Joe resumed, when he had unfixed his look, and got back to his whisker.   [Please select]


We have dealt in a cursory way with a series of cases extending from Anglo-Saxon days down to the fifteenth century in order to show how unfixed was the matter of jurisdiction.   [Please select]


It was this faculty, more than any other, that made him so fit to ride upon the storm of the Revolution, when every thing was unfixed, and drifting about in a troubled sea.   [Please select]

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unfitting - unfix - unfixed