Sentence example with the word 'unpick'


Definition v. become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of

Last update: July 24, 2015


He ate the second half of the boar, and he tied the unpicked bones in the tail of his coat.   [Please select]


I am going to unpick those tucks, and line them softly with cotton wool, and lay the francs in the cotton wool.   [Please select]


There are at least a dozen pillows to be unpicked and their contents well sorted, and sprinkled with lime.   [Please select]


"Connie, if we can unpick the lock and get the door open, where shall we go."   [Please select]


, and when I peered close with my glasses on I could even see where I unpicked the A.   [Please select]

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unperturbed - unpick - unpicked