Words with two extra letters in addition to the word 'christ'

List of words that you can form by taking two extra letters in addition to letters from the word 'christ'
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
ek chirekst 17
ik trickish 17
eh eitchers 16
ey hestyric 16
ew seitchwr 16
be britches 15
ep eitchprs 15
op strophic 15
de ditchers 14
ao actorish 13
aa archaist 13
ae chariest 13
ao chariots 13
at chartist 13
ee chestier 13
et chieters 13
en christen 13
ei chrestie 13
aa citharas 13
en citherns 13
en cithrens 13
au haircuts 13
ao haricots 13
ee heretics 13
io historic 13
io irchotis 13
ai rachitis 13
et restitch 13
en seitchnr 13
et seitcher 13
ae thariecs 13
it irtstich 13
lo trlchios 13

Words with an extra letter in addition to CHIRST

You can build the following words with an extra letter
Extra Letters Word Scrabble® Points
y christy 15
e cithers 12
o ostrich 12
e richest 12

Words with one less letter from CHIRST

You can build the following words with one less letter
A Letter Left Out Word Scrabble® Points
r chits 10
r stich 10
c shirt 8

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