WordSmart 1

단어 54개 - 제 4 과

acerbic - bitter, sour, severe, acrimonious, [맛이] 신, 신랄한
acquiesce - assent, accede, consent, agree, comply passively, 묵인하다, 묵묵히 따르다, 승낙하다, 동의하다
acquisitive - seeking or tending to acquire, greedy, 욕심이 많은, (지식, 부귀, 세력 등을) 원하는
acquit - exculpate,exonerate,vindicate,무죄방면하다,석방하다 2.behave or conduct oneself,스스로 행동하다,처신하다
acrid - sharp, pungent, piquant, poignant, harsh, like acid, 매운, 신랄한, 가혹한 :: irritating
acrimonious - bitter, stinging, caustic, acerbic, acidulous, mordant, sarcastic, trenchant, 매서운, 말과 태도가격렬한, 신랄한
acronym - a word made up of the initial of other words, 두문자어
acumen - keenness of judgment, mental sharpness, astuteness, discernment, perspicacity, 혜안, 예리함, 날카로운 통찰력
acute - sharp, shrewd, sensitive, penetrating, 날카로운, 민감한 2. 급성의 <-> chronic
adage - wise saying, proverb, maxim, axiom, aphorism, apothegm, 격언, 속담
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