Sentence example with the word 'daunt'


admonish, browbeat, compel, discourage, expostulate, grind down, lord it over, put off, stop, thwart, unman, weigh heavy on

Definition v. cause to lose courage

Last update: December 4, 2016


The idea of going to a strange place in the distant land daunted her.   [adjective]


Loosing the game did not daunt her.   [adjective]


It is but a wild welcome, after their savage fashion, though doubtless they would rejoice to see us daunted or disturbed.   [verb]


"A dreadful picture you present to me of life, Elshie; but I am not daunted by it," returned Earnscliff.   [verb]


Internal and external dangers alike, however, failed to daunt Leovigild, who may fairly be called the restorer of the Visigothic kingdom.   [verb]


Gorgias foresaw a period of feverish toil, but it did not daunt him.   [verb]


Nothing daunted, the Roman shook out his long lash, loosed the reins, leaned forward, and, with a triumphant shout, took the wall.   [verb]


That Ibsen was not daunted he has proved by his reply in AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.   [verb]


Thus protected, the outlaw recovered his audacity, which had been somewhat daunted by the menacing gesture of Elliot.   [verb]


When they were all wearied out, and could tear and beat no longer, they dragged Oliver, struggling and shouting, but nothing daunted, into the dust-cellar, and there locked him up.   [verb]


Paul, I acknowledge myself the chiefest of sinners; but I do not suffer this sense of my personal vileness to daunt me.   [verb]

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dated - daunt - dawdle