Sentence example with the word 'dazzle'


addle, beguile, burn, diffuse light, excecate, fog, gouge, maze, put out, splash, upset

Definition n. brightness enough to blind partially and temporarily

Last update: October 30, 2015


She was dazzled by the bright headlights.   [verb]


Ron Perlman 's performance will linger in the memory, and del Toro 's razzle-dazzle makes the film breathtaking in its beauty.   [verb]


Phil Gates returned to again dazzle with his shimmering pop brilliance, exemplified in " Rainbow Days ".   [verb]


He was schooled to shine and dazzle, to excel all compeers in the graces men and women admire.   [verb]


All this gaiety and splendour, this movement and brightness, astonished and dazzled her.   [verb]


When he had thus announced his liberal intention, the crafty chief arose, and gravely spread his presents before the dazzled eyes of his hosts.   [verb]


At the Abbey the eye was dazzled, the mind was bewildered, by an excess of splendour--an over-much of everything gorgeous or beautiful.   [verb]


But he was a King, a crowned and anointed King, and even Angela, who was less frivolous and shallow than most women, stood before him abashed and dazzled.   [verb]


"I doubt if the King ever forgave those fêtes at Vaux, which were designed to dazzle Mademoiselle la Vallière, whom this man had the presumption to love."   [verb]

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daze - dazzle - deactivate