Sentence example with the word 'debonair'


affable, buoyant, cheerful, courteous, elegant, genteel, jaunty, lighthearted, nonchalant, pleasant, resilient, sprightly, well-bred

Definition adj. having a sophisticated charm

Last update: August 8, 2015


So debonair, so sophisticated... Nick jaunted in to present an award at the Festival 's gala evening event.   [Please select]


Legendary actor Roger Moore stars as debonair playboy Simon Templar in the series that made him an international star.   [Please select]


"I am created to obey your Grace's commands, so you will bear me out with my Sovereign for doing so," answered the debonair knight.   [Please select]


He drew himself up, a smile of debonair gallantry lit up his face and as soon as the last figure of the ecossaise was ended, he clapped his hands to the musicians and shouted up to their gallery, addressing the first violin:   [Please select]


"Hello up there," I said, in as debonair a manner as I could summon.   [Please select]


Now, with his bloody arm in its sling, he was as debonair and careless as ever.   [Please select]


In the court entrance stood Yeux-gris, smiling and debonair.   [Please select]


But Chum, like the aristocrat he was, bore its preliminaries with debonair calm.   [Please select]

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debilitate - debonair - debris