Sentence example with the word 'effervesce'


assibilate, bubble, carry on over, go on over, hiss, rave, sibilate, sneeze, snuff, sputter, take on over, whoosh

Definition v. become bubbly or frothy or foaming

Last update: August 28, 2015


I suppose your love will effervesce in six months, or less.   [verb]


Debby gently drew the curtains, and stole away leaving Aunt Pen's wrath to effervesce before morning.   [Please select]


_--The solution should not effervesce on addition of nitric or hydrochloric acid.   [Please select]


This will effervesce during the time the acid is dissolving the zinc.   [Please select]


Thus laughing, questioning, shouting, and dancing, they all effervesced towards the shore like a band of lunatics just escaped from Bedlam.   [Please select]


These plates are of a faint-brown or yellowish colour, and are conspicuous: the degree of calcification differs considerably; some are quite brittle and very thin, others half horny, and effervesce only slightly in acids.   [Please select]

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effeminate - effervesce - effete