Sentence example with the word 'exhort'


admonish, call on, coax, expostulate, incite, issue a caveat, nag, preach, prod, recommend, spur, warn

Definition v. spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts

Last update: September 19, 2015


His father exhorted him to take the civil services exam.   [verb]


The first time Stubb lowered with him, Pip evinced much nervousness; but happily, for that time, escaped close contact with the whale; and therefore came off not altogether discreditably; though Stubb observing him, took care, afterwards, to exhort him to cherish his courageousness to the utmost, for he might often find it needful.   [verb]


Antoine, taken to the secret meetings of the persecuted Calvinists, began, when only seventeen, to speak and exhort in these congregations of "the desert."   [verb]


They exhorted her to be of cheerful mind, and to fear nothing for her future welfare.   [verb]


"-- and he continued to exhort her to expedition until they reached the Castle."   [verb]


They mutually exhorted each other to be of use in the event of the chances of war throwing either of the parties into the hands of his enemies.   [verb]


Then, in burning words, he exhorted all the followers of Serapis to fight and conquer for their god, or--if need must--to perish for and with him.   [verb]


Thus exhorted by the mendicant, Dousterswivel struggled and laboured among the stones and stiff clay, toiling like a horse, and internally blaspheming in German.   [verb]


They usually begin by sending the culprit to the priests, and the latter, to their shame be it said, always exhort him to obedience.   [verb]

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exhilarate - exhort - exhortation