Sentence example with the word 'ghastly'


achromatic, bled white, deathly, dreadful, forbidding, gruesome, leaden, nauseating, repulsive, tallow-faced, washed-out

Definition adj. shockingly repellent

Last update: February 2, 2016


Had there been any attacks it would have been too ghastly for words.   [adjective]


There was a ghastly murder last night.   [adjective]


Most of the party were smoking, and drinking champagne; a feverish hilarity reigned, with sudden and rather ghastly pauses.   [adjective]


The Indian answered this bold defiance by a ghastly smile, that showed an unaltered purpose, while he motioned her away, as if to close the conference forever.   [adjective]


No, she was not dead, only in a half swoon, leaning against the angle of the wall, ghastly white in the flare of the candles.   [adjective]


I saw Madame once look as ghastly as death itself, and all the Court was seized with terror.   [adjective]


So wasted were their half-naked limbs, so ghastly and livid their countenances, that they might have all been plague-patients, and Angela recoiled from them in horror.   [adjective]


The ghastly wound was in his broad smooth forehead, and his fair round cheeks were white with death.   [adjective]


That night all the ghastly time came back, and stood minute by minute before him.   [adjective]


He raised himself on the cart, bent his brows, and, clenching his fist, shook it at the spectre with a ghastly look of hate and defiance.   [adjective]


His face, where it was not covered with blood-streaks, was ghastly pale, for the hand of death was on him.   [adjective]

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geyser - ghastly - gibberish