Sentence example with the word 'glade'


air space, bottomland, clearing, fen, marais, mere, moss, outback, quicksand, steppe, taiga, wide-open spaces

Definition n. a tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area

Last update: July 31, 2017


If you walk along the glade you will not lose your way.   [noun]


They are not Boyl: no, M Glade's men.   [noun]


Large circular encampment About 60 feet or so in diamater, this circular encampment is simply a forest glade with a few canvas tents.   [noun]


Here, also, crash his arrows; here, in the farthest glade, sounds the gallop of the pale horse.   [noun]


The silent wood No more with noisy hum of insect rings; And all the feathered tribe, by gentle sleep subdued, Roost in the glade and hang their drooping wings.   [noun]


This glade was the one which was formerly called the Blaru-bottom.   [noun]


It was no small matter to reach that glade.   [noun]


There was no one in the glade.   [noun]


He met him instead in a woodland glade near Gisors, alone (by a great chance), sword on thigh.   [noun]


After going through the wood for about a mile and a half they came out on a glade where troops of Tuchkov's corps were stationed to defend the left flank.   [noun]


But one transparent blue morning, when a stillness almost preternatural spread over the sea, however unattended with any stagnant calm; when the long burnished sun-glade on the waters seemed a golden finger laid across them, enjoining some secrecy; when the slippered waves whispered together as they softly ran on; in this profound hush of the visible sphere a strange spectre was seen by Daggoo from the main-mast-head.   [Please select]

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glacial - glade - gladiator