Sentence example with the word 'gum'


acaroid resins, bollix, chew the cud, crab, false teeth, gum elastic, louse up, pine resins, resinoid, solder, trampoline

Definition n. a preparation

Last update: September 4, 2015


Paste the papers with gum.   [Please select]


It would appear that women who chew gum throughout their pregnancy are most at risk from having bouncy bairns.   [Please select]


DERMATOLOGY Storax is known to be allergenic and to cross react with gum benzoin derived from Styrax L. species (fam.   [Please select]


The majority of plant specimens are most suitably fastened on paper by a mixture of equal parts of gum tragacanth and gum arabic made into a thick paste with water.   [Please select]

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gulp - gum - gush