Sentence example with the word 'haunt'


affect, club, exhaust, hang about, home, manes, plague, resort to, spirit, unsubstantiality, weigh upon

Definition n. a frequently visited place

Last update: July 12, 2015


The second book in the series: ghosts from Hogwarts ' past return to haunt the school corridors.   [Please select]


Get a nice hot chocolate from Chocolate Soup - an old haunt from last year.   [Please select]


"Why," repeated the scout, looking about him proudly; "because it is better for a man to die at peace with himself than to live haunted by an evil conscience."   [Please select]


Those hateful words, "your adoring slave," and all that speech of Hyacinth's which the child had repeated, haunted Angela with an agonising iteration.   [Please select]


The face that looked at her from the doorway was the face which had haunted her with cruel persistency through that long day, chaining her thoughts to earth.   [Please select]


The livid anger of his face, the deep resentment in his voice, haunted her memory, and made life almost intolerable.   [Please select]


The house would be haunted with sorrowful memories.   [Please select]


And here no muddy harbor reeks, no foul mouth of rat-haunted drains, no slimy and scraggy wall runs out, to mar the meeting of sweet and salt.   [Please select]


Why should I haunt her walks.   [Please select]


But what should make him haunt the country where he was neither hanged nor shot, he, the said Halliday, did not pretend to conceive.   [Please select]


Night generally brought the child sound sleep or pleasant dreams, but now one hideous face after another haunted her.   [Please select]

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hatch - haunt - hauteur