Sentence example with the word 'maneuver'


accomplished fact, call the signals, course of action, enterprise, grift, last shift, move, procedure, sideslip, take measures, working hypothesis

Definition n. a military training exercise

Last update: April 29, 2017


Edna admired the skill of his maneuver, and avoided any occasion to balk his intentions.   [noun]


Herself a consummate coquette, she could not have maneuvered better on meeting a man she wished to attract.   [verb]


They all feature ball bearing wheels, making the mower easy to maneuver and variable throttle control.   [verb]


The PLO had no room to maneuver, and after some hesitation accepted the diktat.   [verb]


The charge, in that rude species of warfare, consisted merely in pushing from cover to cover, nigher to the enemy; and in this maneuver he was instantly and successfully obeyed.   [Please select]


This longing to distinguish themselves, to maneuver, to overthrow, and to cut off showed itself particularly whenever the Russians stumbled on the French army.   [Please select]


So it is impossible to understand by what reasoning the historians reach the conclusion that this maneuver was a profound one.   [verb]

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mandatory - maneuver - maneuverable