Sentence example with the word 'mangle'


bung up, cripple, deface, destroy, draw and quarter, impair, maim, peel, roll, spoil, tear to pieces

Definition n. clothes dryer for drying and ironing laundry by passing it between two heavy heated rollers

Last update: September 25, 2017


His hand was caught in the machine accidently and was totally mangled.   [noun]


Behind them a third girl is using a small mangle to wring out the clothes.   [verb]


Then I worked for a lady and turned the mangle which was seemingly hard work.   [verb]


The Whig authorities give a different account, from tradition, of the cause of Cornet Grahame's body being thus mangled.   [verb]


Holland was at enmity with England, not of its own accord, but under the pressure of the man who worked so hard the great European mangle.   [verb]


The body of this young man was found shockingly mangled after the battle, his eyes pulled out, and his features so much defaced, that it was impossible to recognise him.   [verb]


Looks mangled out: had a good tuck in.   [verb]


Before the breath of it they went down in rows, strewing the deck horribly, mangled, riddled, blown in miserable pieces.   [verb]


And would his body be badly mangled.   [verb]

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maneuverable - mangle - mangy