Sentence example with the word 'manuscript'


article, composed matter, edited version, fist, hand, italicized, nonfiction, penned, rare book, scrive, typescript

Definition n. the form of a literary work submitted for publication

Last update: April 29, 2017


You may also search for dates within the manuscript 's provenance field, eg dates of acquisition or dated ownership inscriptions.   [Please select]


These he mentions in the unfinished fragment of his "Reliquiae Trotcosienses," in much the same words as in his manuscript note on one of the seven volumes.   [Please select]


Train told Scott more, as his manuscript at Abbotsford shows, than Scott printed.   [Please select]


"Most readers," says the Manuscript of Mr Pattieson, "must have witnessed with delight the joyous burst which attends the dismissing of a village-school on a fine summer evening."   [Please select]


While speaking, she took a manuscript from the hand of Seleukus and passed it to Octavianus who, with a slight bend of the head, received it in silence.   [Please select]


Archibius took a roll of manuscript from Dion's hand, presented himself before the assembled company as the bride's kyrios, or guardian, and asked Barine whether she so recognized him.   [noun]

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