Sentence example with the word 'morass'


anarchy, clutch, fabulous formless darkness, hog wallow, license, mire, muddle, pretty pickle, slob land, strait, tight squeeze

Definition n. a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot

Last update: March 28, 2018


Professional people in all fields trying to do their best are trapped in a morass of bureaucracy and red tape.   [noun]


Drowning in the morass became a major hazard for soldiers who wandered off the duckboard tracks that gave access to the front line.   [noun]


] He shall take a flag of truce and a trumpet, and ride down to the edge of the morass to summon them to lay down their arms and disperse.   [noun]


The rest of the party dispersed in different directions, as soon as they had crossed the morass.   [noun]


The river flowing into the valley caused a great, muddy morass.   [Please select]


A guide had been found who would guide the army across the morass.   [Please select]


On the way he had to pass a long and weary waste of heath and morass.   [Please select]


An extensive morass and a deep tank covered their front.   [Please select]


They were far in what appeared to be a wide morass.   [Please select]

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morale - morass - moratorium