Sentence example with the word 'ode'


alba, canso, elegy, epopoeia, jingle, nursery rhyme, poem, roundelay, sonnet sequence, troubadour poem

Definition n. a lyric poem with complex stanza forms

Last update: January 17, 2016


He wrote many an ode during this period.   [noun]


Masks were only used briefly during a choral ode in which the women all chanted ' let loose the birds of war '.   [noun]


Numerous chemical and biological phenomena are modeled by non-linear ODE 's, for example chemical reactions and voltage clamped nerve cells.   [noun]


The next year Crichton was in Venice, and won the friendship of Aldus Manutius by his Latin ode In appulsu ad urbem Venetam de Proprio statu J.   [Please select]

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occurrence - ode - odious