Sentence example with the word 'purlieu'


agora, boundary, circus, course, gymnasium, locale, parade ground, rallying point, setting, stage set, walk

Definition n. an outer adjacent area of any place

Last update: August 11, 2015


Land which had thus been once forest land and was afterwards disafforested was known as purlieu - derived by Manwood from the French pur and lieu, i.e.   [noun]


The benefit of the disafforestment existed only for the owner of the lands; as to all other persons the land was forest still, and the king's wild beasts were to "have free recourse therein and safe return to the forest, without any hurt or destruction other than by the owners of the lands in the purlieu where they shall be found, and that only to hunt and chase them back again towards the forest without any forestalling" (Manwood, On the Forest Laws - article "Purlieu") .   [noun]


Puck Mulligan footed featly, trilling: I hardly hear the purlieu cry Or a tommy talk as I pass one by Before my thoughts begin to run On F.   [noun]


The benefit of the disafforestment existed only for the owner of the lands; as to all other persons the land was forest still, and the king's wild beasts were to "have free recourse therein and safe return to the forest, without any hurt or destruction other than by the owners of the lands in the purlieu where they shall be found, and that only to hunt and chase them back again towards the forest without any forestalling" (Manwood, On the Forest Laws - article "Purlieu") .   [Please select]


A reputed highwayman, and noted deerstealer, named William Stallard, living on the Upper Purlieu, above the Hawthorns, is stated to have been the instigator of these outrages, and others of a similar kind on Mr.   [Please select]


_Bog Pimpernel_ (Anagallis tenella), Purlieu Road.   [Please select]


Frognall Street proved to be one of those by-ways, a short block in length, which, hemmed in on all sides by a meaner purlieu, has (even in Bloomsbury.)   [Please select]

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purity - purlieu - purloin