Sentence example with the word 'quip'


ad lib, bright thought, cut, flash of wit, gibing retort, kid around, play of wit, quips and cranks, scintillation, snappy comeback, wisecrack

Definition n. a witty saying

Last update: August 15, 2015


His speech was concluded with a quip.   [Please select]


Dean didn't even offer a quip about Fred's tightness with a buck and his moth-eaten purse as the old man called over a waitress to do the duties.   [Please select]


"The Church Porch," "The Agony," "Sin," "Sunday," "Virtue," "Man," "The British Church," "The Quip," "The Collar," "The Pulley," "The Flower," "Aaron" and "The Elixir" are among the best known of these poems. Herbert and Keble are the poets of Anglican theology.   [Please select]


Dean didn't even offer a quip about Fred's tightness with a buck and his moth-eaten purse as the old man called over a waitress to do the duties.   [Please select]

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quiescent - quip - quisling