Sentence example with the word 'rapprochement'


accord, amity, charity, concord, esprit, frictionlessness, harmony, making up, reciprocity, sharing, understanding

Definition n. the reestablishing of cordial relations

Last update: October 12, 2015


There was no evidence of any progress in political rapprochement between the leaders of both nations.   [noun]


What role will influence, power and factors of political rapprochement play in prosecutorial discretion?   [noun]


After the second of these insurrections, Bethlen attempted a rapprochement with the court of Vienna on the basis of an alliance against the Turks and his own marriage with one of the Austrian archduchesses; but Ferdinand had no confidence in him and rejected his overtures.   [Please select]


In the course of informal conversations these accomplished diplomats planned for a rapprochement.   [Please select]


Wilkins had not grabbed, she had left her quite free all day in spite of the rapprochement the night before.   [Please select]


We thus effect a mutual rapprochement of mind and matter, and reduce the ultimate data of introspection (in our second sense) to images alone.   [Please select]

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