Sentence example with the word 'raze'


ablate, bowl over, cut down, equalize, fray, hew down, obliterate, ruin, smooth, tear down, whack down

Definition v. tear down so as to make flat with the ground

Last update: September 25, 2015


The enemy bombs razed the whole town.   [verb]


The month before, the citizens of Utrecht had refused to raze their suburban villas, and defence of the fortifications had consequently been impossible.   [verb]


In the following campaign, after desperate fighting to the north of the Danube in the mountainous region of Transylvania, Sarmizegethusa, the capital of Decebalus, was taken, and he was forced to terms. He agreed to raze all fortresses, to surrender all weapons, prisoners and !Roman deserters, and to become a dependent prince under the suzerainty of Rome.   [verb]


We raze the place.   [Please select]

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ravish - raze - reactant