Sentence example with the word 'ruffian'


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Definition n. a cruel and brutal fellow

Last update: September 30, 2015


A gang of ruffians enterted his house. .   [Please select]


Davila was murdered, while on his way to take possession of the government of Cremona for Venice in July 1631, by a ruffian, with whom some dispute seems to have arisen concerning the furnishing of the relays of horses ordered for his use by the Venetian government.   [Please select]


But he failed to perceive that such a ruffian as Micheletto could not inspire the troops of Florence with that devotion to their country and that healthy moral tone which should distinguish a patriot army.   [Please select]


I may be a villain, but I am not a ruffian.   [Please select]


But when, struggling to escape from the ruffian's clutch, she again turned her face towards the hall, what a transformation had occurred.   [Please select]


'Who is this discourteous ruffian.'   [Please select]


I see that a man I know to be a ruffian is pursuing a young girl.   [Please select]


I have a gun in my hand--I kill the ruffian and save the girl.   [Please select]


I would not have parted with them to save your whole generation from the gallows, you ruffian, you.   [Please select]


"How now, ruffian."   [Please select]


Upon it, in lieu of the dogged, black-visaged ruffian they had expected to behold, there lay a mere child: worn with pain and exhaustion, and sunk into a deep sleep.   [Please select]

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rueful - ruffian - ruffle